Preparation and Requirements

Advance planning is important in order to ensure that eligibility requirements are met for the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program.
The education department strongly recommends that students interested in the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program meet with an education department faculty member as early as the first year in order to ensure that they have adequately planned to meet required coursework.

Admission Requirements

Students do not need to major in the content area in which they are getting certified if they meet the content area requirements stated below in the admission requirements. To "count" as a course in the discipline, it must be listed as a course in that department. Courses from other institutions may be considered. It is also recommended that students keep a copy of the syllabus from each course, in case analysis of a syllabus is required for consideration by the department or state. Please consult with a member of the Education Department should you have any questions about whether a course counts towards content area requirements.

The education department considers these admission requirements an essential foundation for success in the program.


Spring 2026 applications will be due October 1, 2025 at 5:00pm

General requirements:

  • Senior or post-graduate standing.
  • A 3.0 grade point average in ED 3301 and 3302.
  • ED 1101
  • ED 2203
  • A cumulative 3.0 grade point average at the end of the semester prior to the beginning of their student-teaching practicum.
  • Status as a community member in good standing.
  • Completion of relevant content area requirements.

Content Area Requirements:

Content Area Prior to undergraduate ED 3301/3302 Prior to BTS Program or postgraduate ED 3301/3302
English Four courses in English 8 courses in English
Life Science Four courses in biology

6 courses in biology
1 additional course in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, earth & oceanographic science, biostatistics, neuroscience, or physics

Mathematics Four courses in mathematics 8 courses in mathematics
Physical Science Three courses in one of the following: chemistry, earth and oceanographic science, or physics, and one course in one of the other departments 5 courses from one of the following: chemistry, earth & oceanographic science, or physics
2 additional courses in chemistry, earth & oceanographic science, or physics (we strongly recommend one course from each department to be best prepared for physical science teaching positions)
Social Studies Two courses in history and two additional courses in anthropology, economics, government, history, psychology, or sociology 5 courses in history (at least two of which must be non-US)
3 additional courses from the following departments: anthropology, economics, government, history, psychology, or sociology
World Languages Four courses in a language 8 courses in the language in which you seek certification
Art (pilot) 3 courses in Visual Arts
1 course in Art History
5 courses in Visual Arts
3 courses in Art History
Music (pilot)

2 courses in Music Performance (must include both of the following courses)

  • 1 course from 26xx
  • 1 sequence from 27xx (x2)§


1 course in Social/Historical Context 2000-level or higher


MUS 2403 (Songwriting and Song Analysis) (offered in fall only)

5 courses in Music Performance (must include all the following courses)

  • One course from 26xx 
  • MUS 2703-2712 or 2761 (x2)§
  • MUS 2721-2752 (x2)§
  • MUS 28xx (x 2)§
  • One course or independent study in conducting


1 course in Social/Historical Context 2000-level or higher


1 additional course in either Social/Historical Context OR Theory/Composition 2000-level or higher


MUS 2403 (Songwriting and Song Analysis) (offered in fall only)

Note: Students seeking certification in the K-12 Art or K-12 Music pilot programs will need to take either EDUC 2222/PSYCH 2012 (Educational Psychology) or PSYCH 2010 (Infant & Child Development) to meet the Maine DOE Certification Requirements.

Fingerprinting and Praxis testing requirements:

  • Bowdoin Teacher Scholars must be fingerprinted prior to beginning their student teaching practicum. Proof of completed MEIS account creation and submission of CHRC application, and proof of fingerprinting registration with Identogo will be required at the time of application. The associated fees total $70, which is later reimbursed by the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars stipend. If applicants have any concerns about these upfront costs, please contact Cassie Jones, Interim Field Placement and Outreach Coordinator.
  • As a result of LD 1189, signed by Governor Mills in June 2021, candidates who successfully complete the Bowdoin Teacher Scholars program are not required to take the Praxis Core or Subject Assessment exams to qualify for professional certification in Maine.

Extenuating Circumstances

If a candidate does not meet the above admission requirements, the candidate may also submit:

  • A written explanation of possible extenuating circumstances prohibiting the candidate from satisfying the admission requirements and a statement explaining how those circumstances will not limit his or her success in the program.
  • The names of two faculty members in the candidate’s major department who will attest to his or her competence in the candidate’s disciplinary major.

The deadline for submitting these materials is also October 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m