Monthly Mini-Grants
These Bowdoin grants support academic-year undergraduate research and travel in all disciplines. Awards are up to $1000 and students may receive up to one mini-grant per semester. Interested students should apply for mini-grants at large. There is no need to indicate the specific mini-grant(s) for which you would like to be considered.:
- The Davis Fund fosters undergraduate interests in international affairs.
- The Grua/O’Connell Fund* supports faculty-mentored student research, regardless of discipline. Awards from this fund can be used to offset student travel that will substantially enhance students’ research and to defray students’ research expenses such as purchasing of books and equipment, publishing research results, or any combination of these expenses.
- The Koelln Fund supports faculty-mentored student research in the exploration of a topic that surmounts traditional disciplinary boundaries. The purpose of the fund is to encourage broad, essentially humanistic inquiry, and will be awarded with preference given to worthy projects founded at least in part in the humanities.
- The Roberts Fund supports an underprivileged scholar to do research in any field. Please note that the Student Fellowships Committee defines "underprivileged scholar" as a student who is currently receiving aid from Bowdoin. Students planning on a career in teaching are ineligible for the Roberts Fund.
Applications are considered monthly and are due on the 15th of every month.