1. A narrative proposal, no more than 1,000 words (approximately 4 double-spaced pages) in length. The narrative should describe:
- the research questions or goals of the proposed project (whether primary or secondary research, data analysis, field school etc.)
- the methodology, field methods, or procedure that will be used, and/or the sources of information that will be considered or analyzed
- the feasibility and scope of the project, including evidence that the applicant's background (previous coursework or research experience) prepares them to carry out the project proposal and what, specifically, the applicant aims to complete during the period of the award
- the timeline of the project, including number of weeks for which funding is requested
- the relevance or significance of the proposed project, or how this project relates to the broader scholarly field or anthropology
- the potential of the endeavor to enhance the student's academic program (e.g. completion of an honors project or independent study) or career or personal development (e.g. presentation at a conference, preparation for post-graduate education, contribution to community-engaged work
2. A statement identifying other funding sources to which the student has applied or expects to apply, and/or the other funding sources that the student has already been awarded for the project
3. A current Bowdoin transcript (print-out from Polaris is acceptable)
4. A letter of recommendation from the faculty member who has agreed to supervise or sponsor the project. Students are encouraged to have their faculty mentor review a draft of the proposal in advance of the deadline! The letter of recommendation should address the feasibility of the project, the applicant’s preparation, and the importance of the project to the student’s academic career. Faculty should email their letter directly to the Anthropology Department Coordinator, Monica Gallego (m.gallego@suzhuan-sh.com)
5. (Optional) A letter of acceptance, or a letter of invitation, from the organization where the applicant will be conducting research. (Only necessary for those applicants who will be participating in a field school or working directly with an organization other than Bowdoin College)
Applicants should send complete grant applications (including narrative proposal, statement of funding sources, and unofficial Bowdoin transcript) by email to the Department Coordinator, Monica Gallego (m.gallego@suzhuan-sh.com). Please be sure that your documents are identified by your last name and the name of the award (e.g. "NAME.RileyAwardProposal.pdf") and the subject heading of your email includes your last name and the name of the award. Faculty letters of recommendation are required but should be sent directly to the Department Coordinator, m.gallego@suzhuan-sh.com.
Should an award be granted, recipients using human or animal subjects must show Institutional Review Board approval of the project’s research methods before funds will be released.